It’s not what you say….it’s HOW you say it. There is a way to positively phrase everything. -How do you phrase your guidelines? -How do you phrase the signs around the class? -What do your posters say? If you want to give your students a positive learning experience, the little things can make a big difference! Check […]
The 2 Guidelines Every Choir Director Should Have
I believe choirs will be most successful when there are effective guidelines in place. There are two specific guidelines that I believe every choir will benefit from. I call them the 2 GOLDEN GUIDELINES. Check out my latest blog post: The 2 Guidelines Every Choir Director Should Have
11 Things To Avoid At The First Rehearsal
Avoid doing these 11 Things at the First Rehearsal and you will ensure a successful start to your school year. Any one of these 11 things can ruin your very first rehearsal and set you on the wrong track for the entire year. Check out my latest blog post: 11 Things to Avoid Doing at […]
7 Reasons Why Ordering Most Choral Music Is Ridiculous
The process of purchasing choral sheet music is antiquated and in serious need of an overhaul. In fact, if you stop and think about how we order our sheet music, it would appear we are back in 1975. This blog post explains the 7 reasons why ordering most choral sheet music is ridiculous. It then provides […]
When Learning To Sight SIng, RHYTHM comes LAST…
When it comes to sight-singing, rhythm is the least important skill. Sure, it matters, but not as much as every other skill that is required for sight singing. In fact, rhythm-labeling/performing is last in my Sight Singing Developmental Rubric for a reason. This new blog post explains the first 5 prerequisite skills but focuses specifically on rhythm. I explain how to assess it, AND why […]
Note-Labeling – a sight-singing development skill often overlooked
When it comes to sight-singing, the ability to label notes on a staff is a skill that is often overlooked! In fact, note-labeling is one of six skills in total that singers need in order to be successful at sight-singing. This new blog post explains the other 5 but focuses specifically on note-labeling. Until your singers can labels their […]