On Friday, May 21, the Senior Choir from St. Joseph Parish of Avon Lake, Ohio, was honored to perform with the other five finalists of WCLV’s JUBILATION Festival 2010. Named a runner-up in the final round, the Choir donated their $500 prize money to the Euclid Avenue Congregational Church of the United Church of Christ, whose […]
Allen R. Hightower named conductor of Luther’s Nordic Choir
Luther College announces the appointment of Allen R. Hightower, D.M.A, as the college’s director of choral activities, conductor of Nordic Choir and professor of music. Hightower will begin his duties at Luther in August. Hightower currently serves as professor of music and director of choral studies at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas, where […]
New ‘Ave Maria’ Setting
I have recently completed a new setting of the ‘Ave Maria’ for Three voices (MS:T:B). It’s available free of charge to Choralnet members. Contact me at smacmus@yahoo.com for a free copy. Stuart McIntosh
Grammy Award-Winning Phoenix Chorale Awarded $100,000 Grant
GRAMMY AWARD-WINNING PHOENIX CHORALE AWARDED $100,000 GRANT FROM SUNDOME PERFORMING ARTS ASSOCIATION Grant to fund four years of Phoenix Chorale’s West Valley Concert Series (Phoenix, AZ) Hot on the heels of a very successful spring fund drive that netted over $40,000, the Phoenix Chorale has just been awarded a grant from the Sundome Performing Arts […]
Looking for an Introit for St. Francis’ Day (Blessing of the Animals)?
Go here to hear Clare Shore’s Tropical Blessing for SAB Chorus and Handbells: http://www.clareshore.com/LRoom.htm The words are by the composer: Praise God, the Father, our Creator!/Bless all of us, He is our maker!/?Bless paw and hoof, burrow and roost;/Bless equine, bovine, canine, feline, Osprey, egret, woodpecker, ?Little Blue;/Bless Spot and Puff and Grandma, too. //Praise […]
New NAS Choral Music Rental catalogue lists c. 750 items
Items include some instrument sets. Catalogue lists composer, selection, voicing, publisher, number of copies available, number of pages per selection, and rental price. Music rents for 20% of list price and normally circulates for 3 months, with prorated extensions available. Music is normally due back within 1 month after your last performance. Music […]