If any of you tried to access my various pages unsuccessfully, I’ve included links on the bottom of the homepage as a work-around. I’ve also updated the website to further address issues relating to Amelia Nagoski’s Choral Journal article — and my subsequent letter to the editor (in the 2101 June/July issue). Included among the issues addressed is an […]
Earthsong – a secular cantata
With the current catastrophe in the Gulf refocussing attention on the environment, this may be an ideal time to programme a work that reflects on our relationship with this planet. Earthsong is a secular cantata that celebrates Earth – or ‘Gaia’ in the terminology of scientist James Lovelock. It describes nature in joyful, […]
Madrigal Dinner Group Forming
Performing artists needed for newly formed Madrigal Dinner Group. Performances three times a year – Christmas, Valentine’s Day, May Day. Collaborating artists are sought to help develop the product and be involved in the performance. Contact madrigaltroupe@yahoo.com
Chor Leoni Appoints Kevin Zakresky as Assistant Conductor
Vancouver’s Chor Leoni Men’s Choir is pleased to announce the appointment of Kevin Zakresky as Assistant Conductor. A recent graduate of the MMA program in Choral Conducting at Yale University, Kevin was born in Saskatchewan and grew up in northern British Columbia. He attended the University of British Columbia, where he received a BMus in […]
200th Anniversary Composition Competition
Park Avenue Christian Church 200th Anniversary Composition Competition Receipt Deadline: September 1, 2010 Prize: $2,000, Performance in New York City To celebrate its 200th Anniversary, the Park Avenue Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) invites composers to submit unperformed, unpublished compositions for SATB choir and either organ or chamber ensemble up to 8 minutes in […]
Conversations with Joseph Flummerfelt
In Conversations with Joseph Flummerfelt: Thoughts on Conducting, Music, and Musicians, Donald Nally presents a window into the mind and heart of one of America’s most celebrated and distinguished choral conductors. Through questions from Nally, his former student, Flummerfelt provides a captivating narrative tracing his formative years and influences, his most important artistic collaborations, and his […]