Browsing the forums in ChoralNet, many of our members are sharing their thoughts and questions about using the iPad in rehearsal. Many of these uses are personal– organization, notes, scores/sheet music or other individual uses. There are many cases, though, where the iPad might be used for the whole group, whether through a projector or sound system. Sharing or making recordings (audio or video), playing accompaniment or pitch examples, projecting score markings or other notes, or displaying the rehearsal order for the day are all examples where the contents of the iPad are made public. What happens when a message comes in, though, or a calendar event pops up? If you’ve ever had a notification or pop-up appear in the middle of a public presentation, you know how distracting (and maybe even embarrassing) it can be. Even if you’re not projecting, an iPad hooked up to a sound system will amplify all of the dings, dongs and beeps that come with your notifications to the whole rehearsal. Thankfully, there is a way to suppress all notifications when you’re using the iPad in a rehearsal setting using a setting called Guided Access.
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