Warm-ups are an integral part of any physical activity. It doesn’t matter whether you’re going to swing a golf club or swing the eighth note, a warm-up period is necessary.
In the article, "Vocal Warm Ups, Repertoire, and Resources for Male Choir" (Georgia Sings! Vol.7, No.1) Amy Hughley shares the results from a poll of choral directors about those topics. Here are just two warm-ups suggestions:
I am a firm believer in beginning with the falsetto range on a closed vowel, (i) or (u), and singing stepwise descending 5-tone scales, moving downward by half steps. A helpful trick is to allow the hands to float upward as the scale descends. This helps reinforce tall inner space and maintain the center of pitch.
This was shared by James A. Rode from Timber Creek H.S in Orlando, FL: 5- 4- 3- 2-1 (in a major scale pattern) on guh with a “shwa” vowel. This exercise focuses on chest resonance. The hard G sound brings the vocal folds together and works against breathiness. The “uh” vowel is vertical and sung in a range to incorporate chest sound. Instruct the men to aim their sound towards their sternum. They can use their hands in a V pattern to add physical motion to the exercise.
(To access the full article, simply click the highlighted title. For additional articles on a dazzling array of choral topics, visit ChorTeach.)
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