Wow, do we take things for granted in this country.
What would our lives be like if the state dictated that we must practice the “official” religion? Would you enjoy being limited to a particular profession simply because of your family’s status? What about speaking your mind publicly about elected officials, gathering openly with like-minded individuals, or having the right to vote . . . are those items you would feely give up? And how about the freedom to create art as our hearts lead us?
Our system of government is not perfect. Immigration is a massively divisive issue, some of our elected officials seem to be little more than well-educated criminals, and the economy is a complete mess. But there’s no place on Earth I would rather live than in the United States of America. If you don’t agree, perfect! That’s another right we enjoy that many of us have served to defend.
Munch a hot dog, quaff some lemonade, “ooh” and “ahh” about the fireworks. And be thankful.
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