This Strategic Planning Survey will be online starting January 3, 2012, and will be a significant part of our planning process for the next three to five years.
The following goals were identified by the ACDA National Board as having significant importance to us in the 21st century, and the online Strategic Planning Survey (goes "live" on 1/3/12) asks ACDA members to indicate a level of agreement with these goals, and a prioritization of these goals.
The suggested goals for ACDA for the next 3-5 years as identified by our ACDA National Board are:
Excellence in Choral Performance
Foster and promote the finest examples of choral music production, interpretation and musicianship
Excellence in Choral Repertoire
Foster and promote quality repertoire through performances, print, online resources and commissions
International Communities
Foster and promote collaborations, exchanges and programs that build international opportunities to share choral music
Lifelong Opportunities to Sing
Foster and promote programs that create opportunities for people of all ages to participate in choral music
Foster and promote coaching programs to support new and emerging conductors and train leadership in ACDA
Outreach to Society
Foster and promote opportunities for choral music performances to partner with or extend into the life of local and national communities
Professional Institutes and Initiatives
Foster and promote programs to introduce and establish professional development opportunities that facilitate excellence in choral music
Research and Pedagogy
Foster and promote scholarly research to develop a resource of knowledge and refine the art of instruction
Technology Resources Development
Foster, promote and implement technology tools that provide resources and facilitate ease in consumer usability
I am eager to see the results of the January survey, and look forward to helping direct the resources of the American Choral Directors Association as a result of this comprehensive planning process. By participating in the Strategic Planning Survey, you will help insure our confidence that we continue to be the Association we collectively want to be.
Tim Sharp says
Marie Grass Amenta says
Michael Peterson says