So what do you think the search for choral composer pulls up in the first search result?
(scroll down for the answer)
How many people would have guessed Dan Forrest?
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David Toppingsays
A quick look through the first few pages of Google search results on "choral composer" (without quotes) does indeed present some puzzling "hits," but a quick search for "Dan Forrest" on shows that he is high on some of our colleagues' lists of active composers. For example, there's this forum topic from last May:
where "Dan Forrest" showed up on three of the "top 10" lists. He is published by Beckenhorst, Hinshaw, and Hal Leonard, and his works are being premired currently at TMEA, National ACDA in Chicago, Carnegie Hall, and the World Choral Symposium. I checked the code on his site, and perhaps the use of "Choral Composer" in both the Title of his home page *and* in the H1 code behind the large "ForrestWorks" link at the top of the page are meshing well with Google's new search algorithm tweaks. I did a few other searches and found that the results were degraded, in terms of relevance, so I hope that Google makes some additional adjustments to their technology to improve the relevance of the results. Some significant choral music websites have fallen off the first page of the "choral music" (without quotes) search results, such as IFCM and MUSICA.
David Topping says
Julia Simon says