I hear these three words all the time: Community, Communication, Collaboration
Ours is a collaborative art, is it not? We form communities of choral singers and use our communication skills to enhance the lives of singers and audiences. It is worth noting the Latin roots of the word:
“Communication” is a word with a rich history. From the Latin communicare, meaning to impart, share, or make common, it entered the English language in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The key root is mun- (not uni-), related to such words as “munificent,” “community,” “meaning,” and Gemeinschaft. The Latin munus has to do with gifts or duties offered publicly–including gladitorial shows, tributes, and rites to honor the dead.
For months, the leadership of ACDA and ChoralNet have brainstormed different ways to enhance the ability of the world’s choral communities to communicate and collaborate online. Tim Sharp spoke about it here and Allen introduced the changes yesterday. We are making our first steps towards a realization of that vision with the new look and functionality of the ChoralNet website.
ChoralNet President Jim Feiszli and I are unveiling the new look and functionality at the ACDA Leadership Conference in Chicago this week.
It is an exciting time for ChoralNet and ACDA. Please test out the new “Communities” and let us know what you think.
philip copeland says
Marie Grass Amenta says
philip copeland says
philip copeland says
Absolutely, Lee!
Why don’t you start that community?
“Funding Opportunities and Fundraising Ideas”
I promise to join!
Marie Grass Amenta says
Lee J Rickard says