Latest Community Posts
dividing the divisi (in small ensemble)
Greetings. I’m about to establish a small a cappella vocal ensemble (mixed), either 12 or 16 voices. I was planning on 16 but now am thinking I might well prefer only 12 voices. I have a few questions for those of you who have worked with small ensembles or else are inherently wise and […]
Latin Pronounciation
Would the work, Nihilo, be pronounced, “Nee-kee-loh”? by virtue of Mihi, being pronounced, “Mee-kee.” Dean M. Estabrook
Special concessions for belters
Is it overly strict for a voice teacher to disallow altos from singing above top-space C? A fellow voice instructor in my community has a set of “alto belters” (her designation) in the cast of the high school musical for which I am Music Director. She does not allow them to sing D’s or E’s at […]
Terre Johnson Named New ACDA Chair for Music in Worship
The American Choral Directors Association is pleased to announce Dr. Terre Johnson’s appointment to the position of ACDA’s National Chair for Music in Worship leadership. ACDA’s structure focuses on specific areas of choral concentration and administration, repertoire, and standards, and Music in Worship is one of these important areas. ACDA’s Executive Committee reviewed a large […]
Dear musiclovers, I am looking for the score of the Missa Ave Maria by Cristobal de Morales. I am artistic directon of Voces Capituli, an all male ensemble (no alto’s, just tenors and basses), consisting of former choir boys of Antwerp Cathedral, Belgium. Could anyone help me finding this score ? Or if someone has other suggestions … we […]
New work (moderately easy) for SATB and Whistler (or melody instr.)
Go here to listen to Clare Shore’s Show Me the Way, Lord for mixed chorus and solo whistler (or melody instrument): (Featured in FALL 2009 NEW ISSUES, E.C. Schirmer Music)
Program bios
Friends, I have often wondered if there is an accepted standard for how we list our conducting teachers in the professional bios we print in our concert programs. Is there an appropriate, accepted way to distinguish between the different types of teachers we have had, such as those we studied with for several years […]
religious TTBB
hey everyone, .. as I said in my earlier message. I am artistic director of Voces Capituli, an all male ensemble (no alto’s, just tenors and basses) of former choirboys of Antwerp Cathedral, Belgium. We love to mix old music (renaissance) with new music. So, if you have an suggestion concerning old or new (religious) music, i would be […]
Search for another old chestnut
ChoralNet helped me find the song about the sparrow by Liddle. Now I’m searching for another song from the past: a song about the Pharisees who prayed ostentatiously versus the humble man who prayed alone. I think one line was “Have mercy on me a sinner.” Was it called “The Publican” or something else? I […]
SATB music for Deep Peace by Bil Douglas
I am looking to buy the SATB music copies of Deep Peace by Bill Douglas for my Community Choir Does anyone have the web adress for the publisher? So far my web searches have turned up lyrics, MP3 and CD album versions, but not the SATB publication. Thanks Joy Porter