Latest Community Posts
Latin pronunciation question
Hi all, What is the pronunciation of “sequutur”? I’m assuming it’s se-kwu’-tur (sorry, can’t do IPA!), but I wasn’t sure about the double “u.” Thanks! Dan Kreider
Stan Engebretson’s Birth year?
I’m working on my Master’s recital program and I can’t find the year that the arranger and conductor (at George Mason Univ.) Stan Engebretson was born. Anyone know?
Teaching young singers to roll their R’s
I am relatively new to teaching high school choir, and I am working with some of my high school students on solos for music contest. I have each of these young singers doing one song in English and one in Italian. Our problem with tackling the Italian diction is in rolling R’s. I can do […]
Does anyone use Box Office/ticketing software?
I am looking into box office software such as easymatch and Folio for next season. Does anyone have experience with box office software that prints the tickets? I am looking for pros & cons of what you like and dislike about the software program you use.
Does anyone know where this music is published??: Hosianna, hymn of abbé Vogler, Arr.: Set Svanholm, Anders Öhrwall, SATB+trumpet+organ I would be happy to get help.
Sarteano workshop
Greetings. Has anyone attended the Sarteano workshop in Tuscany? I’d appreciate evaluative comments. Thanks! Guy A Lynch Director of Music and the Arts Memorial Presbyterian Church Midland, MI
More old chestnuts wanted
Thank you to ChoralNet users who have helped me find some old chestnuts. I have a fondness for this type of repertoire that I heard as a child–my mother sang many of them in our church. Now I like to use them as solos in the church where I am music director and I find […]
Choral Lit Suggestions!
Hey! My name is Brett Hunter and I am a Music Ed student in need of 5 examples of Renaissance and 5 of Baroque choral pieces for my Choral Lit class, by this Tuesday (Feb. 16) . Any help is MUCH appreciated!
Choral Singing Outside
Dear Musicians, Our parish will be having a 50th Anniversary Mass in May, outside on one of our parking lots (meaning pavement underfoot) and providing there’s no rain!. This is a multi-cultural combined choir of 125 voices … there will be microphones on the choir, and a “canopy” overhead (maybe 4 to 5 feet […]
Wonderful Renaissance Resource
I was moved by several recent ChoralNet posts from teacher/conductors and students requesting ‘favorite’ or appropriate Renaissance repertoire for school and or ensembles. I wish to strongly urge all to visit <>. Martin Morell has created this beautiful site valuable not just for its rare resources, including free midi and score downloads, but for what […]