Latest Community Posts
Choral Lit Suggestions!
Hey! My name is Brett Hunter and I am a Music Ed student in need of 5 examples of Renaissance and 5 of Baroque choral pieces for my Choral Lit class, by this Tuesday (Feb. 16) . Any help is MUCH appreciated!
Choral Singing Outside
Dear Musicians, Our parish will be having a 50th Anniversary Mass in May, outside on one of our parking lots (meaning pavement underfoot) and providing there’s no rain!. This is a multi-cultural combined choir of 125 voices … there will be microphones on the choir, and a “canopy” overhead (maybe 4 to 5 feet […]
Wonderful Renaissance Resource
I was moved by several recent ChoralNet posts from teacher/conductors and students requesting ‘favorite’ or appropriate Renaissance repertoire for school and or ensembles. I wish to strongly urge all to visit <>. Martin Morell has created this beautiful site valuable not just for its rare resources, including free midi and score downloads, but for what […]
Lord’s Prayer choral setting
During Lent my pastor has decided that the congregation will not say the LP as a body, but instead we will do sung versions of it. Besides the Malotte solo version, has anyone come across good, preferably 4-part settings of this text, in English? Seems somewhat hard to come by. Thanks! Dan
Benjamin Britten: Old Joe Has Gone Fishing
I have recently tried to order copies of Old Joe Has Gone Fishing by Benjamin Britten (SATB from Peter Grimes) from Boosey & Hawkes (B & H 1784), but I was told that it is now out of print. Does anyone have a copy that I might borrow? Many thanks. John Winzenburg Director of […]
can a pagan be a choral conductor?
I have loved and participated in choral music since I was a little Catholic schoolgirl; I went to college and graduate school to groom myself as a career church director who would have exciting composition projects on the side. But then the one thing I never expected to happen happened….I converted spiritually. I left Christianity and re-discovered […]
Help on a Translation
Hello all, I am trying to find the translation to Gastoli’s Il Passionao from the Balletti a tre voci 1594. Can anyone help me with the text translation. E’ vivo’l mio despetto Per tant’ ardor Ch’ho dentro al cor Nè sò che far Per non brusar. Pietà, visetto, dolze inzuccherao D’un petto brustola […]
Repertoire for Pentecost Sunday
Hi Everyone, My name is Brian Jones and I am a bass section leader at a Congregational Church in Hartford, CT. I was asked to select and conduct a piece for Pentecost Sunday, and am looking for suggestions. The choir is roughly a 60 member SATB choir that has sung works such as Bach’s […]
there shall a star/behold a star
Listers, there seem to be at least three translations of the well-known chorus from Mendelssohn’s “Christus.” Can anyone shed some light on the history of these translations? Did Mendelssohn have a particular English translation in mind (although the libretto is in German)? Aside from singability, is any of these more “authoritative” than the others? […]
Bach – alternate keys or alternate tuning?
Friends – we’re preparing BWV 4 (Christ Lag…) for an April 10 performance with an excellent chamber orchestra. As I’ve studied recordings, I hear that Gardner, for instance, does the piece a semitone lower than written, and Koopman and others do it a semitone higher than written. Others, of course, have recorded it in the […]