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pronunciation of Latin words “patiens” and “invicem”
I am wondering the correct ecclesiastical pronunciation of two Latin words “patiens” and “invicem.” “patiens” According to the Correct Pronunciation of Latin According to Roman Usage, spelled TI will be “ti” (not “tsi”) in case of infinitive of deponent and passive verb when enlarged. It shows an example of pati-patier-patior. I am wondering the […]
Audible Pronunciation
Does anyone know where or how to find audible pronunciation for the Mozart Requiem and other Masterworks online? Thank you.
Looking for Renaissance and Baroque Music
I am looking for Renaissance and Baroque pieces that would be suitable for Middle or High School choirs. Thanks!
How do I prepare inexperienced singers for a musical?
I have a cast of eleven high schoolers (ages 14-17) preparing for a spring musical. They have good voices with little choir experience and some stage experience among them. Lots of potential in the group!!!! What can I do to help them develop their stage voices, both singing and speaking? Thank you!!!!
Broad, simplistic posts from students
Perhaps I’m just cranky from all the snow we’ve received here in DC, but another post has just come in from a student in Missouri (there have been several in the past week or so) asking for suggestions for Renaissance and Baroque pieces suitable for middle school singers. A teacher somewhere in Missouri seems to […]
Repitoire for a Haitian Benefit Concert
My church choir is combining with two other church choirs and a dozen or so students from the college choir I’m in to put on a concert to raise money for a team of relief workers going to Haiti this summer. I am currently trying to look for songs that talk about: Humanitarian Efforts, God’s […]
Purchasing scores from Europe
Colleagues, Has any one had any experience with purchasing scores from small independent European publishers? I need to make a purchase of an important score for my research and the German company does not have a secure website, they just want me to send my credit card number in an email, or I can fax […]
State With The Best Choral Programs
Alright, So I’ve been wondering if there is a general consencous out here about which state in the US overall has the best choral programs, both at a high school and college level. I’ve been made to believe that the answer to this would be Texas, and i this is the case, would love to […]
Re: Teaching young singers to roll their R’s
Toreador-a don’t spit on the floor-a; use the cuspidora–that’s what it’s for-a. Fun and get’s the job done. Best wishes. e
Teaching Descending triads to 3rd Grade Students
I know this isn’t so much of a choral question as it is a general music question, but I am searching for a good song to use to teach my 3rd grade students about descending triads. I have a plethora of songs, but most seem too “kiddish” for them, and I would like to see if anyone […]