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Is it legal/fair
Hi all, I’m in my 6th year teaching music – finishing my 2nd year teaching in Elk Mound, WI. We have about 270 kids in our high school and run a 4 block schedule. The band director and I split a block. The only other skinnies offered are phy. ed. during block 1b which is […]
Graduate diplomas in conducting
Does any one know of graduate level programs in conducting that are NOT a masters. I am looking for a diploma or certificate in choral conducting at the masters level. I am looking throughout the USA. Please let me know if you know of a program. I know they exist but they are hard to find and not […]
Repertoire on Youth and Old Age
I’m considering a concert theme on Youth and Old Age. Any suggestions on those topics? Thanks Ben Legett The Wolf River Singers
Written Assignments for Choir classes
Hello All I am looking to start to build up a collection of written assignments, prompts, topics etc that can be used for students who: -miss a performance or dress rehearsal due to family emergency -misbehave -are not able to attend a performance etc When all the other students receive a “test grade” […]
Input on Gift in Kind
I would like to know if anyone knows how to inquire from publishers or distribution houses that might donate a large number of octavos of 2-3 songs to a large non-profit organization for students from across the globe. They come together for about 9 days and perform at closing ceremonies. Thoughts on this would be […]
Choral Methods: Phillips or Collins?
Hello, I’m looking at textbooks for the Choral Methods course I am teaching next year. I am debating Collins “Teaching Choral Music” and Phillips “Directing the Choral Music Program”. Any suggestions? If you have other texts to recommend, please do!
seeking Robert Shaw ACDA speech
Greetings! I wonder whether anyone has the text of Robert Shaw’s wonderful speech at the ACDA national convention in (I think) 1998? How can I get this transcript? He had important things to say about music and worship, and I would like to read it again and refer to it. Thanks for your help. […]
How do you handle touring?
I am associated with a medium size Christian Liberal Arts College of approx. 4,000 students. The Music Department is evaluating the way in which they use music ensembles for touring. If you teach at a similar size Liberal Arts college, either Christian or non, would you be willing to answer a few questions? 1. Size of […]
Mozart Requiem question
Colleagues: I just got a note from a former student. She and her mother are singing in a community choir that’s planning the Mozart Requiem for Fall, and apparently will be using Austro-German Latin. She asks me whether I know of any good recording with that pronunciation, and I promised that I’d ask. (Yes, I know […]
Advice sought for starting extra-curr. HS guy’s group
As part of my on-going work to recruit and retain young men in my high school choral program, I’m considering beginning an extra-curricular guy’s group in the Fall. Starting with more popular acapella and accompanied literature, the plan is to slowly move into more serious music so that they can compete at Solo/Ensemble festival and, […]