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Saturday Respite: Mozart ON Glass
Mr. Franklin is one of only two non-Presidents to have his face on a U.S. Bill. I wonder if his work on this musical creation had anything to do with his selection as the face on the $100 bill (well, and perhaps his contribution to the five-person committee that drafted a little thing called the […]
Saturday Respite: Who Drank All the Wine?
I suppose if you can drain that many wine bottles you get to perform almost anywhere.
CJ Replay: Mentoring New Conductors
(An excerpt from the Choral Journal column, “Mentoring: Helping to Ensure Excellence” by Verna M. Brummett) Mentoring by experienced choral conductors can ensure that new or less experienced teachers will be ready to “take the reins” of current [choral] organizations, to formulate new organizations, and to take professional leadership responsibilities at the state, […]
CJ Replay: The Sound of a Male Choir
(An excerpt from the Choral Journal column, “The Sound” by Jamison Marvin) What generates the beauty [of a male chorus]? The space above it. The overtones produced by the fundamental (if the chord is sung in tune) are given a chance to ring and reinforce the sound below. That special sound is not […]
CJ Replay: Composers and Conductors
(An excerpt from the Choral Journal article, “Podium and Pen – Choral Conductor as Composer: An Interview with Theodore Morrison” by Jerry Blackstone) I think the relationship among composer, commissioner, and performer must be one of openness, with give-and-take in all directions. In our century, many composers thumbed their noses at the folks […]
CJ Replay: Beethoven’s Choir
(An excerpt from the Choral Journal article, “Beethoven’s Choir Director: Ignaz Karl Dirzka [1779-1927]” by Grant W. Cook III) Dirzka received the choral parts (to the Ninth Symphony) by Tuesday, April 27. On Thursday, April 29, Anton Schindler reported to Beethoven: “Today Dirzka told me that he already began with the chorus yesterday, […]