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Star-Spangled Banner Week
This week marks the 200th anniversary of the United States National Anthem. The occasion will be marked by a large number of celebrations, from small town-square affairs to exhibits and events at the Smithsonian Institution. Perhaps the biggest splash commemorating the bicentennial of the Star Spangled Banner will take place in Maryland, home of […]
GUEST BLOG: “The Building Always Wins,” by Thomas More Scott
THE BUILDING ALWAYS WINS, by Thomas More Scott I just returned home from Paris, where I had the incredible opportunity to study at La Schola Cantorum under the auspices of the European American Musical Alliance (EAMA). The month-long program is modeled on the pedagogy of Nadia Boulanger, the iconic teacher of Aaron Copland […]
“Five from the Folder: Mixed Voices” by Rika R. Heruth
FIVE FROM THE FOLDER: MIXED VOICES by Rika R. Heruth 1. “Buccinate in Neomenia Tuba.” Giovanni Croce. Mark Foster Music Co. No. 423 A double choir motet inspired by the architecture of St. Mark’s Cathedral. The cori spezzati style of this work is filled with musical metaphors! An exciting opener! 2. “Sehnsucht.” Johannes Brahms. CPDL […]
A Virtual Choir, but not Eric’s
I received a wonderful "tweet" from Homar Sánchez Díaz, who was bragging on the Virtual Choir video that he and his students created. I thought it was very impressive – see what you think: This project was made by students, age 13-15. A few Facts & Numbers: -30 artists -200 film takes –12 […]
“Five from the Folder: Women’s Voices” by Dana W. Taylor
FIVE FROM THE FOLDER: WOMEN’S VOICES by Dana W. Taylor 1. “Benedicamustrope: Congaudeant catholici” SSA. Anonymous 4, earthsongs Fun tosing but a challenge to learn. A very good work to introduce early polyphony.A4’s recording varies rhythmically from this edition. 2. “Geantrai” by Michael McGlynn. SSAA Gaelic title translates as “happy song”. Challenging […]
Composition Spotlight: “You Stand Above Time”
COMPOSITION SPOTLIGHT ~ by Jack Senzig (Each week we look at one or two of the best choral works posted in the Composition Showcase here on ChoralNet. This is where we store a treasure trove of works that your choirs will love to sing and your audiences will love to hear.) You Stand Above Time by Julie […]
Stick Time: Craft Beauty
The present writer is unwavering (and unapologetic) in his belief that choral music is about the phrase. The latest literature “hit,” pretty wardrobe, various dance moves, and other affectations are no substitute for great choral music sung well. Consider the accompanying performance from a recent ACDA divisional conference. Listen closely to the phrase structure […]
National A Cappella Convention
If, like me, you have experienced the benefits of including contemporary a cappella in your choral program, I invite you to attend a new, transformative event—the first annual National A Cappella Convention April 24-25 in Memphis, TN. Featuring the godfather of a cappella himself, Deke Sharon, as head clinician and master of ceremonies, NACC features […]