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Saturday Respite: Big Voice Trailer
We have been watching with great interest the development of the film, Big Voice. The project is nearing completion, and we are certain it will strike a familiar, welcome tone with all of us in choral music education. Enjoy this trailer.
Building Skills 19
More from Daniel Coyle: Tip #31 To learn a new move, exaggerate it. "Going too far helps us understand where the boundaries are. . . . Don't be halfhearted. You can always dial back later. Go too far so you can feel the outer edges of the move, and then work on building the […]
Stick Time: Love is in the Air
Without question, sacred texts comprise the vast majority of poetry set to choral music. We don’t know what sort of words are most frequently scored from the body of secular works, but certainly the topic of romantic love has to be near the top of the list. Bach composed a work about coffee, for […]
Conference Morsel: Singing VVV
(An excerpt from the interest session “The Evolving Voice: The Senior Years,” presented by Karen Brunssen during the 2015 ACDA National Conference.) Vocal training and conditioning should always be age-appropriate, dependent on where the body is within progressive and constant changes. Singers in their “Senior Years” benefit from “mindful” concepts and strategies that efficiently […]
GUEST BLOG: “First Things First” by William McConnell
FIRST THINGS FIRST, by William McConnell Every high school journalism student learns a simple formula for the lead paragraph of a news story: Who – What – Where – When – Why – How. Those are the basics. If a reader goes no farther than that first paragraph, he or she has all […]
GUEST BLOG: “Writing for the Choral Journal” by Amanda Bumgarner
WRITING FOR THE CHORAL JOURNAL by Amanda Bumgarner The Choral Journal editorial board reviews all article submissions through a blind review process that typically takes 8-10 weeks. After that time, the author will receive notice of acceptance, rejection, or request for revision and resubmission. A high quality of writing and solid research is expected […]
Conference Morsel: The Psalms
(An excerpt from the interest session “Psalms: Back to the Sources,” presented by Joshua Jacobson during the 2015 ACDA National Conference.) What did the Psalms sound like in antiquity? We know that they were sung, not spoken. We know that 2,000 years ago they were performed in the Temple in Jerusalem by professional musicians […]
Saturday Respite: The WORST Thing About the Beach
The worst part of being at the beach is LEAVING the beach. For all those whose sunny spring break is about to end, here's a look back at that magical place, the tropical beach. NO! I don't wanna get on the plane! No . . . NO . . . NO! […]
Saturday Respite: Jonny Quest Redux
Here's a little taste of 1960s-era Saturday morning fare . . . with a slight up-date (if stop-motion annimation can be considered an "update"). It's surprisingly close to the original opening.
Conference Morsel: Dynamic Formations
(An excerpt from the interest session “The Senses Collide: Connecting Artful Movement and Dynamic Formation in Performance,” presented by Rick Bjella during the 2015 ACDA National Conference.) Mentioned earlier was the aspect of allowing the music to be enhanced through careful logistics, such as the case of our CARMINA BURANA presentation and the […]