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Composition Spotlight -Gloria in D
COMPOSITION SPOTLIGHT ~ by Jack Senzig (The Composition Showcase is a unique resource for conductors. Choral composers are allowed to share only a few of their best works. Each week we offer you the best of the best on a silver platter. The Silver Platter Award winners are works that your choirs will love to sing […]
Thursday Thoughts – Just Breathe
“Conscious breath control is a useful tool for achieving a relaxed, clear state of mind.” Dr. Andrew Weil It is the time of year to take a minute to breathe. We are beginning new routines and are spending long hours in preparation for classes and rehearsals. I am watching my friends and colleagues talking […]
Choral History – Randy Stenson
This week I talk with Randy Stenson who teaches at St. Mary's International School in Toyko, Japan. Randy is an amazing guy, super warm, funny, and engaging. He's a master teacher, and his Varsity Ensemble, made up of high school boys, is one of the best HS men's groups you will hear. His unique approach to […]
Choral History – Rodney Eichenberger
In the most recent episode of Choral History, I sit down with a living legend, professor Rodney Eichenberger. Rod has led programs at the University of Washington, USC, and Florida State University; for mere mortals, leading just one of those programs would be a major accomplishment. Many of the current top conductors in the American choral […]
Choral Potpourri: Choir Rules
” I believe in rules. Sure I do. If there weren’t any rules, how could you break them?” Leo Durocher In the past few weeks, everything has started (or will start soon) for our choirs. Getting back […]
DON’T PANIC: a guide for conductors of small choirs
We’re here at the beginning of another season, and I’ve seen so many posts on the ACDA Facebook group asking for help with a small choir: a new elementary school group with fewer than 20 voices meeting only 45 minutes a week, a youth choir of around 10 voices, a community college with 4 students […]
Composition Spotlight -Night
COMPOSITION SPOTLIGHT ~ by Jack Senzig (The Composition Showcase is a unique resource for conductors. Choral composers are allowed to share only a few of their best works. Each week we offer you the best of the best on a silver platter. The Silver Platter Award winners are works that your choirs will love to sing […]
Choral History: How to Run a Rehearsal
I've been following conductor Ken Woods for a number of years. He's largely based out of the UK now, but for awhile he lead an orchestra in my home state of Oregon. He stopped posting as much in the past few years, but he's an excellent writer and is full of interesting ideas and more […]
Thursday Thoughts – There is no I in TEAM
The old proverb, “There is no I in Team”, is a good theme for the beginning weeks of the new church and school year. It is often referred to when playing team sports, and is a great way to encourage our singers to work for a common goal. As conductors, there can be a mentality […]
Choral Potpourri: Changing the World
“A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, It’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead I have mentioned I have many interests in the Choral World. I enjoy program note writing, both for my own choirs and for others. I have given pre-concert lectures, both for choral works and […]