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A Call to Innovation – ACDA Restructures and Calls for Leadership
It is official! As of today, February 1, 2016, the American Choral Directors has changed the way it will do its work as we move forward. By an approval rate of 98%, the membership of ACDA has determined we will do our work of "inspiring excellence in choral music through education, performance, composition, and advocacy" […]
Composition Spotlight -Firelight
COMPOSITION SPOTLIGHT ~ by Jack Senzig (The Composition Showcase is a unique resource for conductors. Choral composers are allowed to share only a few of their best works. Each week we offer you the best of the best on a silver platter. The Silver Platter Award winners are works that your choirs will love […]
ICEP Spotlight – Patrick Quigley & Hye Kyoung Yoon
I am delighted to introduce 2016 ACDA ICEP Conducting Fellows Mr. Patrick Quigley and Ms. Hye Kyoung Yoon. For more information regarding the ACDA International Conductors Exchange Program please refer to the most recent Choral Journal article (February 2016), Choral Connections with the Republic of Korea (Land of the Morning Calm) or join us on Facebook. […]
Choral Potpourri: Missing Elaine
“Sweet is the memory of distant friends! Like the mellow rays of the departing sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart.” Washington Irving Ten years ago, I founded the community chamber choir I direct. Developing into a solid core of singers, we have experienced much together. We have been through all sorts […]
Zeroing in Your Sound By Chad Steffey, DMA Choral Conducting Student, George Mason University
Zeroing in Your Sound By Chad Steffey, DMA Choral Conducting Student, George Mason University We’ve all said or heard it, probably in your last rehearsal: “Let’s sing with taller vowels” or “please darken your tone.” But what does this really mean, and what do we expect our singers to do? I admit I am […]
Composition Spotlight -To Reach Them My Hand
COMPOSITION SPOTLIGHT ~ by Jack Senzig (The Composition Showcase is a unique resource for conductors. Choral composers are allowed to share only a few of their best works. Each week we offer you the best of the best on a silver platter. The Silver Platter Award winners are works that your choirs will love to […]
ICEP Spotlight – Dr. Matthew Ferrell & Dr. Jin Soo Kim
In May 1959, the very first Choral Journal mentioned then ACDA Vice President Elwood Keister in a short paragraph encouraging ACDA members to participate in choral music exchange. At the time, the scope of this nascent exchange program was fairly limited compared with today's standards, but the implications for future growth and sharing were quite broad. By 1975, the ACDA Constitution […]
ACDA and Baskin-Robbins: 31 Flavors!
As we embrace this new year, I would like to invite and encourage you to take full advantage of the benefits of membership in the American Choral Directors Association. These benefits continue to grow for all our members, and it is my hope that more and more of our seasoned members discover what our new […]
ICEP Spotlight – 2016 Conducting Fellows Dr. Jeffery Ames & Dr. Jung Jin Baek
Greetings Friends! Now that we are all back following the winter holiday, I hope you are all finding early success and reasons to love your singers (and your conductors)! This is an extremely busy time for all of us and with the ACDA Division Conferences beginning in just about three weeks, there seems to be […]
Musica: A Great Benefit for ACDA Members
Musica: A Great Benefit for ACDA Members ACDA Executive Director Tim Sharp If you are searching for choral repertoire, and the fact is, we are indeed searching for choral repertoire all the time, your membership in the American Choral Directors Association offers you the entire Musica choral database to track down repertoire throughout the […]