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Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Concert Week
“A concert is always like a feast day to me.” James Taylor Our spring concert is this coming Sunday. It’s been a wild and wooly rehearsal cycle this spring, with new and unexpected developments nearly every week. On the morning of our first rehearsal in March, we learned our concert venue had just been sold, […]
Attention to Some Military Bands and Choir
We just celebrated another Memorial Day and we think of those who serve our country around the earth and here at home. As the host of Going Beyond Words and ACDA Radio with ChoralNet, I love to play patriotic music and when you want that style we all know where to go. But this year […]
IJRCS Replay: Guest Conductors and Choir Collaborations
The International Journal of Research in Choral Singing (IJRCS) is ACDA’s scholarly publication that welcomes studies that apply rigorous, systematically-grounded methodologies, either quantitative or qualitative, to investigate phenomena of potential interest to all who sing in, work with, or are otherwise interested in choral ensembles. Below is an excerpt from an article written by Andrew […]
One from the Folder: Repertoire Thoughts for Women’s/Treble Choirs
#50: Friday, May 24, 2019
“Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda, Group II” by Gustav Holst
Text by Holst, from Sanskrit sources
Movement 3
SSA w div, piano or orchestra
(Part 3 of 3)
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Women Conductors
“Nobody would comment on what clothes male conductors wear. Or if they kind of put on some weight or something like that, and maybe their jacket is a little bit too tight. But if that happens to me as a female, then that’s immediately pointed out.” Ruth Reinhardt Several years ago, I was at a […]
Veni Creator Spiritus
This week on Going Beyond Words and ACDA ChoralNet Radio, Host Stan Schmidt presents an hour of music that will take you from the mid-1400s to our present history. Our broadcast will examine how composers over centuries have used the glorious Latin texts of Veni Creator Spiritus (Come Creator Spirit) and Creator Alme Siderum (Creator […]
Inspiring a Growth Mind-Set in the Choral Classroom
The May issue of Choral Journal is now available online! The Rehearsal Break column features an article written by Matthew Potterton titled “Inspiring a Growth Mind-Set in the Choral Classroom.” Below is an excerpt of the article, and you can read it in its entirety in the May 2019 issue! Go to and click “Search Archives.”Choose May […]
One from the Folder: Repertoire Thoughts for Women’s/Treble Choirs
#49: Friday, May 17, 2019
“Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda, Group II” by Gustav Holst
Text by Holst, from Sanskrit sources
Movement 2
SSA w div, piano or orchestra
(Part 2 of 3)
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Programming Thoughts
“When you’re artistic director of a program, you present the music you want to present.” Stanley Crouch As the academic and concert year winds down, many of you are thinking about next year, if you haven’t already finished your repertoire selections. There are usually some restrictions or deadlines or something you need to consider, but […]
Sir Edward Elgar and Friends
This week on Going Beyond Words and ACDA ChoralNet Radio, host Stan Schmidt gives us another look at an English composer who had a great gift of melody and was a super orchestrator. We investigate several of the composer’s choral songs and a recent Naxos CD that features mezzo-soprano Sarah Connolly in a performance of […]