Felix Mendelssohn’s Reformation Symphony (Symphony No. 5) was premiered on this day in 1832. November 15, 2019 by Scott Davis
Leonard Bernstein made his conducting debut with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra on this day in 1943, when the originally scheduled guest conductor, Bruno Walter, became ill. November 14, 2019 by Scott Davis
German composer and pianist Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel was born in Hamburg on this day in 1805. November 14, 2019 by Scott Davis
Mu Phi Epsilon, a national music sorority, later expanding to a co-ed professional music fraternity, was founded in Cincinnati on this day in 1903 with thirteen women members. November 13, 2019 by Scott Davis
U. S. composer George Whitefield Chadwick was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, on this day in 1854. November 13, 2019 by Scott Davis