"Armide," an opera by Jean-Baptiste Lully, was premiered in Paris at the Théâtre du Palais-Royal on this day in 1686. February 15, 2019 by Scott Davis
Vincenzo Bellini's opera "La straniera" was premiered in Milan at Teatro alla Scala on this day in 1829, to great acclaim. February 14, 2019 by Scott Davis
U. S. soprano Renée Fleming was born on this day in 1959 in Pennsylvania. February 14, 2019 by Scott Davis
The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) was formed on this day in 1914 in New York. February 13, 2019 by Scott Davis
Ambroise Thomas, French composer and academic, died on this day in 1896. February 12, 2019 by Scott Davis