"La damnation de Faust," composed by Hector Berlioz, was premiered in its staged version as an opera in Monte Carlo on this day in 1893. February 18, 2019 by Scott Davis
George Frideric Handel's oratorio "Samson" was first performed at London's Covent Garden Theatre on this day in 1743. February 18, 2019 by Scott Davis
U. S. composer and organist Eric DeLamarter was born on this day in 1880 in Lansing, Michigan. February 18, 2019 by Scott Davis
Gian Carlo Menotti's comic opera "The Telephone" was premiered at the Heckscher Theater in New York City on this day in 1947, sharing the program with the composer's dramatic opera "The Medium." February 18, 2019 by Scott Davis
George Frideric Handel's opera seria "Siroe, re di Persia," premiered in London at the King's Theatre on this day in 1728. February 17, 2019 by Scott Davis
Giacomo Puccini's opera "Madama Butterfly" was premiered in Milan at La Scala on this day in 1904. February 17, 2019 by Scott Davis