The 79th North American Festival of Wales (aka Gwyl Gymreig Gogledd America) will be held in Portland at the Doubletree Hotel at Lloyd Center from September 2nd through the 5th. Wales is famous for its music and to help celebrate the Welsh culture in song, the festival has invited the male choir, Côr Godre’r Aran, […]
News and Notices
10,000-voice choir?
Plainfield, NJ — An award-winning city youth choir and Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs are thinking big when it comes to addressing the issue of local violence. Really, really big. H.E.R.I.T.A.G.E. (Helping to Enhance Resources by Incorporating The Arts to Gain Education) choir leaders and the mayor said they hope to draw as many as 10,000 people […]
Your moment in choirs: Scala & Kolacny Brothers and the LA Ladies Choir
Have you found yourself wondering lately what’s going on in the world of choirs? Yes, you were just saying that the other day? Wonderful, we have two to tell you about. First, there is Scala & Kolacny Brothers, a 60-person Belgian girls’ choir getting some traction on the Internet, thanks to the trailer for “The […]
Wausau Barbershop Guest Nights CORRECTED DATES
In the first announcement, the dates were wrong. The announcement below reflects the correct dates. The River Valley Harmonizers invite all men who like to sing and harmonize to join us in song at our Guest Night – Open House. Join us on Tuesday, September 14th and/or 21st. Plan to attend one or both […]
Alabama kids’ choir kicks off first season
Hannah Bradford saw a need and filled it. “Growing up in Huntsville, we had all kinds of opportunities to participate in choir,” the University of North Alabama senior said. “When I came here, there weren’t any.” After doing a little legwork — hanging fliers around town and campus as well as talking to […]
Upcoming movie about Froncysyllte Male Voice Choir
A DIRECTOR working on the film version of a Welsh choir’s meteoric rise to stardom says shooting could begin on the movie this year. Writer and director Debbie Isitt said the film, telling the story of the Froncysyllte Male Voice Choir’s overnight success, remains a major priority for production company Lion’s Gate. The group, with […]