Hi Folks! Am on duty today (Thursday) and have been having a problem with moderating on my phone (android, Samsung 7, using Chrome) today. I did have trouble for a bit over the weekend as well. I tried to reload & refresh, I tried to go to the online version of CN rather than the […]
We had some loading and spam issues yesterday. Scott says he has worked with Godaddy to get things taken care of: “ChoralNet is showing as clean from malware. Godaddy cleaned out the server and database over the past 12 hours and is attempting to figure out where it came from so we can prevent it […]
Deleted solicitation from pavananguihoti.
Just did my daily check of FOJN. Kicked out & banned bhangad from FOJN. Tom T. deleted some spam from the same user name over the weekend. It’s such a specific name I think it’s the same person so….out they go. I am not sure what else I am able to do….Scott; it’s in your […]
I am here Sunday morning. I couldn’t get on CN yesterday. There is nothing in the queue but Tom T. has been here and cleaned out some spam. There is a new member of FOJN in the Groups–just did my daily check–claiming to be from France. The name is similar to bhangad. Gail and I […]
And from syilla.