Earn a $125,000 salary and join a team of master teachers at The Equity Project (TEP) Charter School, featured in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and on 60 minutes for its revolutionary teacher salaries and its outstanding results. Make history by joining the founding team of kindergarten teachers at The Equity Project (TEP) […]
Services Offered
Seeking Donor Relations Seasonal Staff
BACKGROUND ON ORGANIZATION The Oregon Bach Festival, a program of the University of Oregon, is a Grammy-winning music festival that takes place over three weeks in late June and early July. It attracts a total audience of more than 40,000 for a schedule of nearly 60 events. OBF fills 20 refreshing summer days with choral-orchestral […]
Administrator – Part Time
The Susquehanna Chorale seeks an Administrator, who will provide support for the artistic and operational activities of the Chorale, based in south-central PA. The successful candidate will have strong computer, organizational, and interpersonal skills. This is a part-time position, and reports to the Chorale’s Board of Directors. For more information or to apply email .
Choral Learning Aids For your Choir
Hello Chorus Directors and Administrators: One of the ways that I’ve increased the capabilities and development of the many choruses that I’ve been involved is through the creation of digital learning aids. Whether it’s creating individual learning tracks or researching the internet for music sources, my choruses have benefited from the additional materials and […]
Groupanizer Administrator available for hire
Expert Groupanizer Chorus Management Administrator available for hire. I have been an administrator for two choruses for the past 5 years. As an administrator I can be your resource to effectively use and build your Groupanizer capabilities. Contact me at or 702-286-7464. Best Regards, Tim Salaver Groupanizer Administrator Encore Vocalists […]