Greetings and Merry Christmas in July! Shipping will be added to any order. “Christmas Day in the Morning”, Traditional Dutch carol tune arr. Roy Ringwald, SATB, .25/copy(43 copies). “Lullaby For The Lamb”, John Leavitt, SSA, $1.00/copy(10 copies). “The Perfect Rose”, John Leavitt, SATB, $1.00/copy(14 copies). “Still, Still, Still”, arr. Kirby Shaw, SATB, $1.00/copy(18 copies). “Tambourine […]
For Sale - -- USED
SSA/2-Part/Unison gently used
Greetings, Shipping will also be added to any order. “Antiphonal Hosanna”, John Leavitt, 2-part, $1.00/copy(16 copies). “Battle Hymn of the Republic”, Howe/Steffe arr. Roy Ringwald, S.S.A, .25/copy(46 copies). “Father in Heaven”, The Ave Maria of Bach-Gounod arr. Wallingford Riegger, Three-Part Chorus of Women’s Voices with soprano solo, .25/copy(41 copies). “Lord, Make Me an Instrument of […]
Choral Music Scores
These choral scores are in good condition, gently used. The price of shipping “media” will be added. These would be great to add to a church library or to replace older, worn scores. “The One Hundred Fiftieth Psalm”, SATB, Howard Hanson. 47 copies/$1.00 each. “O praise ye the Lord(Psalm 150), SATB & organ, Cesar Franck. […]
New titles added to clearance
With the newly formatted ChoralNet now running smoothly, we are now beginning to add new titles to the clearance sale. You can find all clearance titles at: New titles just added: Krogstad: Ring Those Bells, SATB Krogstad: We Wish You a Merry Christmas, SATB Mason/Rogers/Rhodes: Jubilate, SATB All clearance titles are 10 cents per […]
New and used youth size tux shirts
The Davis Children’s Chorale is changing our uniform. We have surplus inventory of some new and near new wing collar tux shirts and black skirts that we would like to offer at a discount. If you are interested, please contact me and I will send you more details of exactly what we have and send […]
For Sale: Elegant Velvet Choir Dresses
This lot of 53 gorgeous choir dresses must go. These dresses feature black velvet skirts and puff sleeves with elastic so they stay reliably on the shoulder. Our girls loved to hide extra water and bobby pins in their sleeves! The bodice is pieced together from metallic fabric from Iran, with rich gold, green, and […]