Shipping will also be added to any order.
“Antiphonal Hosanna”, John Leavitt, 2-part, $1.00/copy(16 copies).
“Battle Hymn of the Republic”, Howe/Steffe arr. Roy Ringwald, S.S.A, .25/copy(46 copies).
“Father in Heaven”, The Ave Maria of Bach-Gounod arr. Wallingford Riegger, Three-Part Chorus of Women’s Voices with soprano solo, .25/copy(41 copies).
“Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace”, Denise Mainville, SSA, .20/copy(28 copies).
“A Canticle of Peace, Joseph W. Clokey, Unison, $1.00/copy(49 copies).
Robert Duris says
Greetings Katherine,
Thank you for contacting me regarding this music. I’ll take care of it tomorrow when I go into the office and I’ll send an email to the address you provided. I’ll try to figure out the shipping via USPS media mail. I believe that have a flat rate.
katherine-elaine-powellgmail-com says
Interested in all except the last one. Please email invoice with shipping to 36602 to