FREE COPIES of my two new modern performing editions of SATB works by JOHANN MICHAEL HAYDN, great for high school, college, church and community choirs! AD DOMINUM CUM TRIBULARER (Alliance Music Publications AMP 1103) DICITE IN GENTIBUS (Carl Fischer CM 9603) If interested, contact me directly by email at mbanner113 (at) aol (dot) com with […]
For Free
Free Choral Music
I have multiple copies of SATB choral music for anyone wishing to have them, if you are willing to pay postage! Music includes Messe Solennelle (St. Cecelia) by Gounod; Ave Maria by composers Josquin Desprez, Tomas De Victoria, and J. Arcadelt; Cantate Domino by Claudio Monteverdi; O Magnum Mysterium by composers De Victoria, Palestrina and […]
Free Organ Music
I have several books of organ music and would love to give it to an organ student or someone else in need of it. I am downsizing my music library. Here is the list: Two books of music by Bach,Mozart, Franck, Saint Saens and others for manuals only. ( edited by Rollin Smith – Dover […]
Christ is Risen
I do not have any of the original Harold Flammer Choral Series copies of this anthem by Virgil T. Ford. However I do have 26 copies (5 1/2″ X 8 1/2) of the original manuscript that I can send to you for free if you agree to pay the mailing postage. The YouTube video link […]
Two pallets of choral and handbell music – Free – must take all.
We have a couple of pallets of choral music and handbell music that is quite vintage. Would anyone be interested in picking this up from our storage unit in Costa Mesa, CA? We need someone to take it all and not just pick through it. (Deliver may be available in Orange County.) If you are […]
Choir Robes – almost free
26 choir robes in VERY good condition. $5/each + packing & shipping. For more information, please contact JoAnn Kulesza, music director, Eastport UMC. jokul@atlanticbbnet