This thought-provoking program will feature music for choir and string orchestra, in collaboration with the Circadian String Quartet and additional local string players. We will bring you Zanaida Robles’ No Fairytale Here, a setting of writings by the African American suffragist Ida B. Wells that includes spoken voice; San Francisco Conservatory composer David Conte’s reverent […]
John S. McCreary Memorial Evensong
John McCreary was a musical force of nature. During his five decades in Hawai‘i, he served as Organist/Choirmaster and Canon Emeritus at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, taught music at ‘Iolani School and St. Andrew’s Priory, built an enormous theater organ for his home, and helped to launch the musical careers of some of Hawai‘i’s most enduring […]
Anderson University Choir and Vocal Camp July 9-14, 2023
CHOIR AND VOCAL CAMP Hosted by The South Carolina School of the Arts at Anderson University July 9-14, 2023 Prepare for the next steps in your musical journey. Have fun making music with others who love singing. Work directly with primary AU voice and choral faculty. Enjoy the hospitality and beautiful campus of Anderson University! […]
WANTED – MEN SINGERS to Promote Lomgevity
Join the Mendelssohn Glee Club of NYC, the oldest independent men’s chorus in the USA, founded in 1866. New season begins with rehearsal on Monday, January 30 at 7th Day Adventist Church, 161 W.93 Street, Manhattan, 6:45 – 9:15 pm. The May 9th concert theme “Members Choice” will include: Now is the Month of Maying, […]
God Has Work for Us to Do
Saturday, February 11, 2023, Vox Philia and Berks Sinfonietta come together for a musical tribute to Black History Month. They are joined by two regional collegiate choirs: the Albright Chamber Ensemble and the Lincoln University Concert Choir. Audiences will hear an exciting evening of orchestral and choral music by black and African American composers, including […]
Gloriæ Dei Cantores in Concert: Renaissance Masters
In-Person & Livestreamed Be immersed in the sacred sounds of the Renaissance from masters including Palestrina, des Prez, and Taverner performed by the world-renowned choir, Gloriæ Dei Cantores. Experience these works in the basilica-style Church of the Transfiguration in Orleans, MA, which is filled with frescoes, mosaics, glass, and sculpture depicting the life and ministry […]