Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Minneapolis, MN, is seeking a soprano section leader to begin with the commencement of the 2016-2017 choir season, which runs from the first rehearsal on October 5th, 2016, through the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, on Sunday, June 18th, 2017.
The choir at Our Lady of Lourdes is an ensemble of 15 singers, comprised of volunteers who are supported by the efforts of soprano, alto, tenor, and bass, section leaders. Repertoire of the choir includes Gregorian Chant, Anglican Chant, Renaissance polyphony, English anthems, contemporary choral works, and the finest examples of choral music that are in accordance with the liturgical directions of the Second Vatican Council. The choir also supports the musical participation of the congregation.
Section leaders will be models of the utmost accuracy in all supplied score directions. Section leaders will rehearse portions of the ensemble in all repertoire as assigned by the Organist & Choirmaster. As such, they are expected to arrive at every call fully prepared to execute all directions in the score accurately, and with necessary preparation to lead sectional rehearsals competently and efficiently. Scores with necessary markings will be supplied 21 days in advance in order to help accommodate this.
The choir at Our Lady of Lourdes rehearses Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 PM, and sings at the 11:00 AM mass on Sundays, as well as Holy Days of Obligation, including but not limited to All Saints, The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, and the Paschal Triduum.
In addition to responsibilities with the choir, section leaders are also called to serve as Cantors for the parish’s sung masses on a rotating basis. Cantors are responsible for singing various Propers of the mass, the Ordinary of the Mass, and hymnody.
Necessary qualifications are as follows:
•The ability to learn a wide range of repertoire, from Gregorian Chant through modern-era compositions, independently and accurately, and to sing all repertoire in a manner appropriate to respective performance practice and style.
•The ability to smoothly transition between singing as a strong leader and as a member of a blended section as a particular situation requires.
•Previous experience singing in choral ensembles.
•Previous experience as a Section Leader or in a similar position is desirable, but not required.
•Keyboard skills sufficient for teaching multiple lines of notes and rhythms are highly desirable, but not required.
•The ability to pass a background check is required.
Compensation will be $70 per call for a rehearsal or liturgy when called as a section leader, $70 per call when called as a cantor for a liturgy that is not a wedding or a funeral, and $150 per call when called as a cantor for a wedding or a funeral.
Audition materials and a Working Agreement pertinent to the position are available on request.
Interested parties should provide a resumé to Chris Ganza, Organist & Choirmaster, .
Position inquiries will be accepted until the position is filled, although it is intended that the position will be filled by September 12, 2016.
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