Tenor section leader wanted. Rehearsal 9:00 a.m. service 10:00 a.m. on Sundays. No mid-week rehearsal. Solo opportunities. Traditional music. 80.00 per Sunday. Some extra services (Christmas Eve, etc.) for additional remuneration. Contact William Fenimore organist/choirmaster for audition. at . or church office at 856-547-3240
6 Jewish Male singers (paid) needed for High Holy Days in Beverly Hills, CA
Temple observing 2016 Jewish High Holy Days at the Beverly Hills Hotel needs these voices Two Tenor 1, seldom needed to sing higher than G One Tenor 2, seldom needed to sing higher than E One Bass 1 Two Bass 2 Must sight read well. Need to sing Hebrew correctly from transliteration. Must identify as […]
Pro Bass/Baritone for St. Barnabas Episcopal Church
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Ardsley New York is looking for a Bass/Baritone for a small choir in very friendly Episcopal church, starting in September 2016. One rehearsal and service at 8:45 and 10:00 AM, respectively, on Sunday, plus additional services at Christmas and Holy Week/Easter. We seek someone who has strong sight reading and vocal […]
New publication from PH Publisher
Recently PH Publishers has published new choral music for Mixed Choirs from Italian composers: Why do I love you, Sir? from Roberto Brisotto link and Holder Friede from Battista Pradal, artistic director of Venezia in Musica. He has been often awarded in important nationals and internationals composition competitions. Many of his pieces were performed in […]
New and used youth size tux shirts
The Davis Children’s Chorale is changing our uniform. We have surplus inventory of some new and near new wing collar tux shirts and black skirts that we would like to offer at a discount. If you are interested, please contact me and I will send you more details of exactly what we have and send […]
Choral Practice Recordings – mp3 or wav – good quality
I have been creating quality practice recordings for my choirs for quite some time now and I would like to offer my services to any other choral directors who aren’t quite so tech-savvy. My high school students have improved exponentially since I started requiring them to practice with these recordings. Many students do not have […]