You won’t want to miss the Middle School/Junior High School conference scheduled for Februaruy 29 in Dallas. In addition to having the opportuntiy to hear wionderful middle school choirs, you will also have the chance to lear from the experioence of such teachers as Judy Bowers, Margie Camp, Rollo Dilworth, Patrick Freer, Kari Gilbertson, Gretchen […]
Han choir
This one’s been making the rounds lately. There’s actually duet and trio versions too.
Whitney joins the heavenly choir
Twitter was buzzing Saturday evening with news of Whitney Houston’s untimely death. Nearly every other person tweeted that heaven had gained another member for the angelic choir. To be sure, the world lost a great talent. ChoralNet has mentioned Whitney a number of time through the years, whether it was: the influence of […]
Choral Caffeine: Value All Choirs
There is a school that has been represented repeatedly on the ACDA conference stage by its woman’s choir. The reason is simple: The institution made a conscious decision that the woman’s ensemble would be (to use the athletic term) the varsity team. It’s an interesting thought, isn’t it? Roberta Jackson explores the idea even […]
Choral Caffeine: Get Guys
There are some days I wish I was an English teacher. English faculty don’t need to invest time worrying about wardrobe issues, they don’t have to place their classroom product on display, and they don’t have to lift a finger to recruit member to their class. Choral conductors on the other hand . . […]
Choral Caffeine: Captive Choir
Isn’t it wonderful when we can make a difference in the lives of those we work with in choirs? Here’s what a choir member said about his experience singing in the ensemble: “Since joining the choir, I’ve noticed more self-confidence around other people. At first I was scared, thinking I might not be good […]