A few years ago I became Music Director of a small Lutheran church in New Jersey. The choir had dwindled over the years, and now there were only about eight women and one gentleman. This gentleman, Lou, had Alzheimer’s and his mind was nearly always clouded over with the darkness of this terrible disease. […]
Stick Time: Why Guys Don’t Sing
Among the many reasons given for whyyoung men are sometimes turned off to singing in choirs are: • singing is considered feminine; • there is a lack of repertoire appropriate for young men whose voices are changing; • there is a lack of understanding by adolescent males when it comes to the boy’s changing voice; […]
Stick Time: Understanding the Changing Voice
When preparing to teach choral music at the secondary level, the conductor must be equipped to help these singers manage their developing voices. Therefore, one of the first steps toward successfully working with adolescents in a choral rehearsal is for the teacher to obtain a thorough understanding of the changing voice.1 With […]
Sunday Inspiration: Lutkin
What Makes An Idea Stick?
My thanks for ACDA Northwest Division President-elect Dr. Gary Weidenaar for pointing me to the thinking of Chip and Dan Heath in their 2008 book Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. For anyone interested in creativity and innovation, this book gives thought-provoking stories to back up the authors' thesis that "stickiness" […]
Sweet Singing from the Simpsons
Mike Sheibe posted this on his Facebook account . . . I thought it was too cool not to share with the ChoralNet audience: