Every spring a new batch of college graduates hits the job market waving their freshly-minted bachelor’s degrees. With heads full of ideas, hearts brimming with enthusiasm, and their student-loan grace period fast ticking away, these newest colleagues are eager to get into the classroom and ply the craft they have trained for over the past […]
Monday Motivation: Surrender? Never!
The Bounty that Student Conductors are Missing
Stick Time: Cupid’s Arrow in Choral Music
You’re cruising along in your car, listening to music on the radio. More often than not, in one form or another, the song will have a single overriding textual theme: Love. Whether looking for it, drunk from it, or heartbroken because it was taken away, romantic love has been THE focus of secular poetic texts […]
Stick Time: Musical Dangers of a Doritos® Diet
Yes, they’re delightfully crunchy, addictively tasty, and munched by Americans in unimaginable amounts (one processing plant in Georgia produces 250 million pounds each year). But they are also about as nutritious as a piece of cardboard. No responsible parent would serve snack chips as the mainstay of their child’s diet. Shouldn’t the same standard […]
Stick Time: Popular Music’s Limitation
Here’s a strange thought. What would happen if in the middle of their concert, a mega-star of the pop music world were to suddenly change into formal attire, stand still and just sing? No preening, posturing, pouting, or petulant pyrotechnics of any sort. Simply communicating through song. One suspects that their fans – fully numbed […]