CHORAL ETHICS (Part 3): KINDNESS IS NOT FOR WIMPS by Marie Grass Amenta (This is the third installment of a five-part series on choral ethics, exploring what it means to be ethical in this often unethical business.) “What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?” Jean-Jacques Rousseau It is easy to […]
GUEST BLOG: Choral Ethics (Part 2): “Amateur Versus Professional,” by Marie Grass Amenta
CHORAL ETHICS (Part 2): AMATEUR VERSUS PROFESSIONAL by Marie Grass Amenta (This is the second installment of a five-part series on choral ethics, exploring what it means to be ethical in this often unethical business.) “Every artist was first an amateur.” Ralph Waldo Emerson The word amateur is taken from Old French […]
GUEST BLOG: Choral Ethics (Part 1): “Songs my Mother Taught Me,” by Marie Grass Amenta
CHORAL ETHICS (Part 1): SONGS MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME by Marie Grass Amenta (This is the first installment of a five-part series on choral ethics, exploring what it means to be ethical in this often unethical business.) Choral Ethics isn’t rocket science, complicated or anything we haven’t heard before, we just need to […]
Composition Spotlight: “Seek a Place of Breathless Beauty “
COMPOSITION SPOTLIGHT ~ by Jack Senzig (Each week we look at one or two of the best choral works posted in the Composition Showcase here on ChoralNet. This is where we store a treasure trove of works that your choirs will love to sing and your audiences will love to hear.) Seek a Place of Breathless Beauty […]
Speaking of Voice: “My Go-To Warm-Up” by Michael Hayden
MY GO-TO WARM UP, by Michael Hayden (Mira Costa High School Choir) My choral go to warm-up is the lip bubble or lip trill. The movement of air created by bubbling takes out all the muscle in the sound, efficiently targets pitch and keeps the phrase moving forward. It also develops great warmth, richness […]
MusicFirst Aims for Complete Online Music Teaching Solution
Despite steps forward by standards such as Teoria and, theory and notation instruction software has yet to catch up to the types of software and services that would let music teachers take full advantage of 1-to-1 and BYOD teaching environments. MusicFirst is a new company with several familiar faces aiming to capture the blended learning music […]