WRITING FOR THE CHORAL JOURNAL by Amanda Bumgarner The Choral Journal editorial board reviews all article submissions through a blind review process that typically takes 8-10 weeks. After that time, the author will receive notice of acceptance, rejection, or request for revision and resubmission. A high quality of writing and solid research is expected […]
Conference Morsel: The Psalms
(An excerpt from the interest session “Psalms: Back to the Sources,” presented by Joshua Jacobson during the 2015 ACDA National Conference.) What did the Psalms sound like in antiquity? We know that they were sung, not spoken. We know that 2,000 years ago they were performed in the Temple in Jerusalem by professional musicians […]
Saturday Respite: The WORST Thing About the Beach
The worst part of being at the beach is LEAVING the beach. For all those whose sunny spring break is about to end, here's a look back at that magical place, the tropical beach. NO! I don't wanna get on the plane! No . . . NO . . . NO! […]
Saturday Respite: Jonny Quest Redux
Here's a little taste of 1960s-era Saturday morning fare . . . with a slight up-date (if stop-motion annimation can be considered an "update"). It's surprisingly close to the original opening.
Conference Morsel: Dynamic Formations
(An excerpt from the interest session “The Senses Collide: Connecting Artful Movement and Dynamic Formation in Performance,” presented by Rick Bjella during the 2015 ACDA National Conference.) Mentioned earlier was the aspect of allowing the music to be enhanced through careful logistics, such as the case of our CARMINA BURANA presentation and the […]
Name That Choir Tune (No. 26)