I love “Messiah”. Truth be told, it is probably my favorite large choral work. There’s a little something for everyone–from show piece arias to choruses that are both difficult and poignant to recitatives that move the story along while being musically interesting. The story that is told, using scriptures from both the Old and New […]
Choral Ethics
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Pushing Through Difficulty
“The best way out of a difficulty is through it.” Will Rogers What do you do, when YOU are falling apart, or someone you love is, during this most busy of times for our profession? Do you take extra vitamins or sip tea or soup? Catch a nap or sleep or few extra minutes in […]
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Being Grateful
“I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual.” Henry David Thoreau I always try to be grateful. In this season of Thanksgiving, I am more grateful than usual. Perhaps our world is in upheaval but there is one thing I know for sure; there is plenty more Good than there […]
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Getting Out the Humidifer
“…A person can develop ‘la grippe.’” From Adelaide’s Lament It is mid-November in the Midwest and you know what that means. A few leaves still cling to branches after their brethren have made a truly lovely, colorful exit. Birds are gathering on trees and powerlines to migrate en masse as soon as it turns cold […]
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Working Hard
“I look back on my life like a good day’s work, it was done and I am satisfied with it.” Grandma Moses Jethro* works hard. He is in a three year graduate program, has a church job as well and is spread thin most of the time. This is his second year in the program […]
Choral Potpourri/Choral Ethics: Important Enough
“Comfortable shoes and the freedom to leave are the two most important things in life.” Shel Silverstein How many times have you felt you weren’t important enough? Or put another way, how many times has someone made you feel unimportant? Donald* conducts a symphony chorus in a mid-sized city. It’s a nice job; he prepares […]