This lovely eighteenth century canon was a staple of my school choirs’ repertoires throughout my entire teaching career. I came across it in a songbook when I first started teaching at Blue Rock School in the early 1990s, and I believe I taught this to every choir I directed until I left teaching in 2014. […]
Off the Podium: Four Practices
When I read education articles or discussions of education practices on the internet, a theme that I constantly encounter is classroom management and discipline. Current trends in behavior modification theories and practices have promoted a widespread use of reward systems for social (as opposed to anti-social) behavior that is at odds with my own beliefs about education. In […]
Off The Podium: Wholehearted Attention
ChoralNet is delighted to welcome veteran music educator Walter Bitner to our roster of weekly bloggers. His posts will focus on music education, and choral music education in particular. We hope you will enjoy this new series, and invite you to post comments and reflections. Music teachers in school settings often feel a sense of […]