ChoralNet member Steven Szalaj sent me the following note: I was really touched by the story, and the demonstration of the power we as conductors and educators in our lives. i look for writing by folks not professionally in “the music dodge” who articulate music’s importance in their life. Though this is not specific to […]
ECU at ACDA National
Daniel Bara has built the ECU program into one of the nation’s strongest choral programs. Here is his choir at the ACDA National Conference in Miami.
art changes the artist the most
Does a bad rehearsal equal a great concert?
At times, I pray that it does! Read what Chris Rowbury has to say: Very often, in the session the week before, or even sometimes in the rehearsal on the day of the concert, it appears that everyone in the choir has forgotten what songs they know, which parts they sing, and what they’re supposed […]
ACDA stands for A Choral Directors vacAtion
Spotted in a little surfing around – ACDA is both a professional event and a refreshing time away from the usual responsibilties: Going to conventions are always refreshing for me. I learn, I hear, I get ideas-it’s great. I just came back from the ACDA Western Division Conference and had a blast! — There were […]
A beautiful tribute to Richard Proulx
I did not know him, but you cannot help but be impressed by this tribute, found on Hymnography Unbound.