by Developing Voices Author Jennifer Berroth, Choral Director at Leawood Middle School, Leawood, Kansas. I’ve heard it said that teaching middle school puts one at the front of the line for sainthood. We’ve all had days on which we have earned that status. I have been teaching middle school choir for seven years, and in […]
Making the Most of Practice Between Rehearsals
What is the difference between rehearsal, the work accomplished corporately when the ensemble is gathered, and practice, the individual preparation each member engages between rehearsals? I believe the distinction to be a critically important one, especially in the world of excellent church choirs and high-achieving volunteer choruses.
Is Caffeine Dehydrating to the Vocal Folds?
Caffeine is one substance assumed to be associated with voice problems by causing systemic dehydration. It has been thought that if you drink coffee, you are robbing the body of water. If you’re a regular coffee drinker, one cup will hardly have negative ramifications.
Myths and Facts: Caring for Your Voice during the Winter Months
The vocal folds function best when the entire body is well hydrated. Since fluids and food pass through the pyriform sinus cavities avoiding the vocal folds and air passageway, vocal folds do not receive direct hydration. Rather, the body supplies hydration to the areas of the body that need it foremost. This is why it is important to hydrate on a consistent and constant basis
Teachers are at special risk for developing hoarseness simply be cause the job requires heavy voice use five plus days a week, with little time in between to allow the voice to recover. Here are trusted tips to help!
Take Singing to the English Class
Why do we limit singing to just our choir room? Why put restrictions on it? Why not get creative and share what we know to be true with others? We have read the research that shows the tremendous benefits that learning to read music has on our brains and how it impacts our academic studies and test scores. We also know the benefits singing has on our well-being regarding our mental and physical health. But, did you know that singing helps most anyone that struggles with the ability to read? Singing can help with retention, speed and ability to digest content.