Sandra Snow shares her thoughts of the choral rehearsal as an environment for creation.
Sunday Inspiration: Salve Regina
Adopt a Choir
Stick Time: Creation in a Choral Rehearsal
Stick Time: Conducting Study 7
It seems criminally obvious to say that how we end a piece is at least as important as how we begin one. Today let’s watch a colleague bring a choral work to a close. First, note that his left hand cues the sopranos in a manner that guides them to a “floating” sound on […]
Stick Time: Conducting Study 6
In the theatre, it’s known that the best actors don’t really act. Rather, they inhabit a role so completely that it becomes a part of them. I believe that something like that occurs in conducting, where one has rehearsed an ensemble to such a fine edge that the singers no longer need us to conduct […]