COMPOSITION SPOTLIGHT ~ by Jack Senzig (Each week we look at a piece of useful repertoire from the ChoralNet Community Composition Showcase. A variety of voicings and levels of difficulty will be presented. Enjoy!) Agnus Dei De Profundis by Mårten Jansson SSAA with Organ and Strings (click for PDF and Audio) Level: College or higher Uses: Lenten Service or Concert, Masterworks Concert Program […]
Composition Spotlight: Agnus Dei De Profundis
CJ Replay: A Cappella Myth
(An excerpt from the Choral Journal article The A Cappella Myth! By J. Bunker Clark) ‘In a chapel style’ is the literal meaning of the term a cappella. Today, however, it is used as a synonym for "unaccompanied." We hear about an a cappella performance of a Palestrina motet,. although it is the […]
CJ Replay: Dear Choir
(An excerpt from the Choral Journal column President’s Open Letter to the Membership, by Russell Mathis) Have you ever thought about writing a “Dear Choir” letter? Such a letter might read something like this: Dear Choir: I confess that I have not always come to rehearsal fully prepared, but you worked hard and […]
CJ Replay: Church Music
(An excerpt from the Choral Journal article Thoughts on Music in the Church, by Alec Wynton) “We don't think about Bach as being a church musician; he wasn't, he was a great musician who happened for a part of his career to be working for the church. We don't think about Byrd as […]
CJ Replay: Renaissance Choral Music
(An excerpt from the Choral Journal article Relations of Sound and Structure in Elizabethan Choral Music by Jean Berger.) “The writer attended a recent performance by a very fine choral organization whose program included the “Ave Verum Corpus” by William Byrd. This is a much performed composition, available in several commercial editions, and […]