Singing a single note is easy, right? Well that depends. Try holding a single note for a few seconds. Where does the pitch want to go? Down, of course. Now hold it for 15 seconds. A little more challenging. Now hold it for 37 seconds . . . while the other sections of the […]
It’s Time to Apply for a DIVISIONAL Conference
While most of the material published recently on ChoralNet and the ACDA website has focused on the forthcoming 2013 ACDA National Conference, a massive amount of energy has already been invested in preparation for the seven Divisional Conferences that will be taking place a year from now. Though certainly more intimate than a national […]
Award Celebration Special
In celebration of the ACDA Poster being named a Gold Winner in the annual ADDY competition, ACDA is “sharing the love” by offering a free copy of the award-winning poster and a copy of the new the CD, Commissions, if you JOIN ACDA or RENEW an expired membership by the time the ADDY award […]
Stick Time: Round, Round, Get a Round
Consider the humble round (AKA canon). A single line of music that can be repeated endlessly (thus, it goes “round and round”), and when layered within itself can form vertical harmonic structures. Of course, the first round most of us learn is the ubiquitous and oft-maligned “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” – a melody […]
CJ Replay: Choral Music of C.P.E. Bach
(An excerpt from the Choral Journal article, “Elements of Empfindsamkeit in the Heilig, Wq.217 (H.778) of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach,” by Brian E. Burns.) The choral music associated with Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach is, in large part, not the music he actually composed. The vast majority of music that he directed after his […]
CJ Replay: Pinkham’s Music for Treble Voices
(An excerpt from the Choral Journal article, “Daniel Pinkham’s Music for Treble Chorus,” by James McCray.) For more than thirty years, Daniel Pinkham (b. 1923) has been one of the most frequently performed American composers of choral music. Throughout his distinguished career, Pinkham has provided engaging, practical music for treble voices. Often the […]