Sorry, I really AM done with the series, but couldn’t avoid posting this–credit to
Intonation XIV – Final thoughts/Eric Ericson & intonation
OK, no such thing as "final" thoughts on a topic as big as choral intonation! But this IS the final installation in this long series of posts. No more (unless I respond to your comments) until late August–if you have thoughts on new topics of interest, send a note! A resource I've used is a […]
Intonation XIII – Answering questions from comments
As I bring this (long!) series to an end, I'll attempt to answer questions or highlight comments made by others to this series–a huge thanks to those who took the time to comment, correct, or add to what I've said. I will likely say a few things more on Saturday before signing off for the […]
Intonation XII – What to do when the choir goes flat?
I had no idea this topic was going to go on this long! Comments from all of you talented people keep new posts and ideas coming. As I said in my initial post, intonation is a complicated subject. If you haven't looked at the comments, please do so! This community has many sharp (I […]
Intonation XI – Tonal Memory–A Two-Edged Sword
John Goldsmith's two guest posts (here and here) demonstrate a wonderful way to train your choirs to remember and audiate patterns, shifts of tonality, accurate half and whole steps, scales, etc. He creates ways to train the tonal memory in a positive way, which will help your choir in reading as well as to sing […]
Intonation X – Calibrating the Ear II – John Goldsmith
This is the second part of John Goldsmith's Calibrating the Ear warm-ups. To understand this, you must first read Part I! The singing of chromatic and whole-tone scales will be done every day, along with the earlier exercises. The more advanced exercises can be added later if you wish. These are great exercises which will […]