Dear ChoralNet users,
I am pleased to announce the world premiere of my piece entitled LA PROMESSE performed by the University of Louisville Collegiate Chorale and the Louisville Youth Choir, featuring the soprano Danielle Curtsinger, under the conducting of Dr. Kent Hatteberg (November 9th, 2014, Louisville, Kentucky).
The music is written for double mixed choir, children choir (one part with divisi) and soprano solo.
The piece with french lyrics, lasts about 5m20s. It tells the Christ’s life : from his birth to the burial and to his resurrection.
I hope that you will like it as much as my Libera me.
I remain at your entire disposal for any further information.
Best regards,
Lyrics :
Verse I
Marie accoucha ici, dans le lieu où l’on mettait la paille.
Elle emmaillota Jésus, puis, elle le mit dans une crèche.
Ici, un enfant est né, un Fils nous est donné.
Il dû endurer les coups, subir des romains le long calvaire.
Et sur le bois de la croix, Il prit le jugement à notre place,
Et dans un grand cri, le Fils de Dieu expira.
La terre trembla.
Le voile se déchira.
On le mit dans le tombeau. Une lourde pierre fût roulée.
Et tristes, les disciples oublièrent la Promesse,
la Promesse, la Promesse, la Promesse…
La mort a été vaincue, elle n’a pu le retenir !
Le tombeau est déserté, Il est réssuscité !
Amen, Amen, Il est vivant ! Vivant !
Mary gave birth here, in the place where they put the straw.
She swaddled Jesus, then, she lay him in a manger.
Here a child is born, a Son to us is given.
He endured beatings from the Romans on the way to Calvary.
And on the wood of the cross, He took the judgment in our place,
And with a great cry the Son of God perished.
The earth trembled.
The veil was torn.
We placed him in the tomb. A heavy stone was rolled.
And in their sadness, the disciples forgot the Promise,
the Promise, the Promise, the Promise…
Death has been vanquished, it could not hold him !
The tomb is deserted, he is resurrected !
Amen, Amen, He is living ! Living !
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