In the summer of 2011, choral directors Lori Lovell (Maitland Middle School), Matthew Swope (Winter Park High School), and David Brunner (University of Central Florida) came together with the idea to collaborate on a joint recording and performance project that would involve middle, high school and college singers in a virtual choir environment, similar to Eric Whitacre’s youtube sensation of a year ago. It would differ, however, in that it would be local and “vertical” in nature, embracing our youngest, emerging, and mature singers. This project captured the imaginations of the students, brought technology into the choral classrooms in a very real way, initiated partnership between Maitland Middle School, Winter Park High School, the University of Central Florida, and Full Sail University, and united younger and older singers of generation Y in a way they had not experienced before. “Communities ringing, each voice joined in singing.”
We are excited to share this virtual choir video with you now, along with the documentary video, in hopes that you will in turn share them and inspire other technological and collaborative ventures!
To view the virtual choir video, “E Pluribus Cantus”:
To view the virtual project documentary video:
A bit of background and history:
What began as a casual conversation over coffee quickly took shape and form, when Tom Todia (Full Sail University) came onboard to facilitate the software for recording and manipulating individual student audio and video. The group of educators wanted a piece that was age and skill appropriate for the youngest singers, yet captured the imagination of the older ones, and a text that told the story of the project and was one that every singer could identify with. It seemed that the best way for this to happen was to commission a new piece!
Due to the generosity of musician and poet Scott Lounsbury and composer David Brunner, “E Pluribus Cantus” quickly emerged as a piece about the coming together from many places to form one voice. Many happy circumstances converged with the talented Lynn Peghiny agreeing to play the piano track, Winter Park High School alumnus Gabriel Gundacker launching a documentary video project about the collaboration, and plans for a combined live performance that would showcase the video release, and a session for the Florida Vocal Association at the state FMEA conference (Vertical Goes Virtual).
“E Pluribus Cantus” is an anthem to bands of empowered singers everywhere – from many, comes one song.
The Vertical Goes Virtual Team:
David Brunner (University of Central Florida)
Lori Lovell (Maitland Middle School)
Matthew Swope (Winter Park High School)
Tom Todia (Full Sail University)
Special thanks to:
Gabriel Gundacker, Joseph Kemper, Lynn Peghiny, and Jacob Wise
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