A new setting of the Arthur O’Shaughnessy poem “We Are the Music Makers” is now ready for your Fall concert by composer Tom Council. It is published by Colla Voce. Listen to two full recordings. MUSICMAKERS. or go to www.tomcouncil.com.
Maestro Eric Nelson, of Atlanta, GA, has won The American Prize in Conducting in the community chorus division. For a full list of winners of the spring competitions of The American Prize, please visit our blog: www.theamericanprize.blogspot.com Eric Nelson: B.M.-Houghton College, M.M.-Westminster Choir College, D.M.-Indiana University. Currently Director of Graduate and Choral Studies at Emory […]
Vancouver Chamber Choir – your inflight entertainment!
Vancouver Chamber Choir … your Air Canada enRoute entertainment! Travelling this summer? The Vancouver Chamber Choir could be flying with you! If you are travelling with Air Canada between now and December 2010, be sure to tune in to your inflight audio entertainment. After rushing around a busy airport, you can unwind to the […]
Walter Hawkins, 1949-2010, singer and founder of Love Center Choir
Hawkins was born in Oakland and began singing in gospel choirs as a teenager, along with his brothers. In 1967, as a member of the Edwin Hawkins Singers, he recorded “Oh Happy Day,” which would become one of the first gospel-leaning songs to cross over to the mainstream, winning a Grammy and being named one […]
Musical with all-a-cappella accompaniment
When you first hear the remarkable singing in “Brick: An A Cappella Musical,” you scan the lineup of singers to find out where all those sounds are coming from. In place of a band, vocal arrangers Adam Hogston and Joe Mokrycki create instrumental sounds with voices: percussion, bass, melody line, rhythmic movement and harmonies — […]
Choir games estimated to bring $73.5M to Cincinnati
The 2012 World Choir Games, to be held in Cincinnati, will have an estimated economic impact of $73.5 million, according to a University of Cincinnati report released Thursday. The impact includes direct spending of $36 million by the operators and organizers of the event, participants who will stay at hotels downtown and elsewhere, and by […]