WINTHROP, Wash. A man killed in a collision on Highway 20 near Winthrop has been identified as Seattle musical director and conductor George Shangrow. The Wenatchee World reports he was on his way Saturday to deliver a lecture at the Methow Valley Chamber Music Festival when his car collided with a car driven by a 16-year-old. […]
Teaching CDs for Community Choir Leaders: Mulit-Part Songs from Around the World
Teaching CDs for Community Choir Leaders: Multi-Part Songs from Around the World, Volume 1 Created by: Betsy Sansby, co-author of 8 instructional books on African hand drumming and rhythm Betsy Sansby, who leads the One World Community Choir of Minnetonka, MN, has just produced the first in a set of teaching discs for community […]
Music and Technology in the Classrooom
Hi, My name is Laurin Daniels and I am a senior Music Education major at Appalachian State University. I am currently involved in a research project with a faculty member seeking answers to how to teach the upcoming students in 2010, 2015, 2020 and beyond. We are researching generational gaps, new technologies, changing learning styles […]
13th-century chant newly discovered
An important article has been published, announcing the discovery of the famousStabat Mater used as a sequence in the Gradual produced by a convent of Dominican nuns in Bologna in the later thirteenth century. This is by far the earliest known example of this hymn used as a sequence rather than as a devotional hymn.
Multi-Part Songs from Around the World: Work Discs for Community Choirs
Betsy Sansby, who leads the One World Community Choir of Minnetonka, MN, has just produced the first in a set of work discs for community choir leaders. Each 60-70 minute disc contains all the parts to five or six a cappella songs from around the world. Cost: $15 plus shipping. The first disc includes: […]
Donald Nally to resign from Lyric Opera of Chicago
By now, nobody in Philadelphia should be surprised that conductor Donald Nally is making a hard-to-explain departure: Lyric Opera of Chicago is expected to announce this week that chorus master Nally is leaving at the end of the 2010-11 season to spend more time with his Philadelphia choir, The Crossing. What wasn’t said: He’s leaving […]