Click here to hear Clare Shore’s Tropical Blessing (a Blessing for St. Francis’ Day) for SAB Chorus and Handbells: The words are by the composer: Praise God, the Father, our Creator!/Bless all of us, He is our maker!/Bless paw and hoof, burrow and roost;/Bless equine, bovine, canine, feline, Osprey, egret, woodpecker, Little Blue;/Bless Spot […]
Down in Yon Forest
RedHouse Arts is pleased to add Larry Finke’s arrangement of the old English carol “Down in Yon Forest” to its Christmas offerings. Please visit to see a sample score or e-mail
Opera composer to take over American Fork children’s choir
AMERICAN FORK, Utah — The road from writing operas to directing children singing about a mysterious cat or a Halloween song about bones is apparently not too long. M. Ryan Taylor, composer of the opera "Abinadi," is the new director of the American Fork Children's Choir. He only has two rehearsals under his […]
Keith Reas Appointed Artistic Director For Choral Arts Of Chattanooga
Keith Scott Reas has been appointed as the new artistic director for the 2010-2011 season for Choral Arts Of Chattanooga. Choral Arts is a chorus of experienced, professionally minded singers whose mission is to offer the Chattanooga community the finest in classical and contemporary choral literature at the highest level of performance. The organization recently […]
New Sacred Pieces for Choir/Orchestra or Choir/Brass
Southeastern Music presents several new titles from Terre Johnson: O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing – SATB, Organ, Handbells, Congregation, Brass (4 horns, 3 Trumpets, 3 Trombones, Tuba) Timpani. An elegant festival setting, with an original verse of text, recently commissioned and now available. Sing We Now of Christmas – SATB, Organ, Handbells, […]
Looking for a cappella works for the Christmas/holiday season?
Go here to listen to Clare Shore’s Three a cappella Carols Suitable for small or large choruses, Clare Shore’s Three a cappella Carols utilize traditional English texts in new musical settings. Performed as a set, the three songs offer contrast in style and length, beginning with two brief carols – a jubilant Joy to the […]