NaperVoice, a unique philanthropic choir based in Naperville, Illinois, will be holding auditions for new paid and volunteer experienced choral singers in June. Following a very successful inaugural season, the choir will resume its work in September with concerts scheduled for November 2023 and April 2024 in two nine-week sessions, each raising funds for eligible local charities. There are positions for 16 paid singers, the same number as those who sang in the choir’s first season, with very competitive compensation offered, augmented by 15-20 qualified volunteer singers. There are also two paid College Student Internships available, one for Student Conductor/Choral Singer and one for Student Soloist/Choral Singer. Philip Spencer, NaperVoice’s Founding Conductor and Artistic Director, is a graduate of the Yale University School of Music and conductor of choirs in the United States and Germany for more than 40 years. For further information and an audition application, go to
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